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Upside Down World

This blog is going to be short and simple. It is rather intriguing that when a child doesn’t eat at one parent’s house it is not considered child abuse, but when the child doesn’t eat at the other parent’s house, it is considered child abuse.


This is what happened to us. If it wasn’t for the therapist finding out my stepson hasn’t been eating, we probably would have never known that he wasn’t eating in his mother’s care. Why would she be hiding that from us? Maybe because we would try to pull what she did and claim child abuse? She has yet to share the report card with us even though she is supposed to.


When we heard about this, we found out that since school ended, he hasn’t really been eating. Skips breakfast, lunch, but sometimes has a good dinner, or doesn’t eat at all during the day to the best of her knowledge. Please know that when we found out, my stepson had been out of school for almost a month by this point.


M husband’s ex-wife has always been super vague with what she ends up sharing with us anyway. She words things to a certain point to answer the questions, but that doesn’t mean she shared everything. For instance, we have the transcript of her stating on trial that the child abuse incident at church was super vague and had something to do with hula hoops. But as I’ve shared in a past blog, we have records to show that over 100 messages were deleted. Not sure how that was vague. This is one of the reasons we can’t fully trust what she says. She’s been coached well by her lawyer, and they have done a great job coaching my stepson to make it seems like everything is perfectly fine.


At least the therapist was concerned in some way and decided to up his sessions to twice a week, but we still have yet to get any updates from my stepson’s mom as to how he’s been doing with eating in her care.


But we truly live in an upside-down world that in her care it’s not considered child abuse, but when it came to us, it was a whole another story.


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